At MCM Lettering we understand how difficult it can be for grieving families to make such an important purchase. Families tell us that even though there are many alternatives to traditional burial, creating a memorial is the most important and most positive part of the funeral process.
Monuments provide an extraordinary means of commemorating a loved one. For those who want to keep the spirit of a life alive, a highly personalized granite memorial is the most enduring medium of all. Whether choosing burial or cremation, a memorial provides a sense of place. A granite memorial becomes part of a sacred space where family and friends gather to celebrate the spirit of our lives, for generations to come.
It is a purchase that should be made with great care and consideration.
Whether you have an area in a cemetery or a corner space in the lobby of a funeral home we are willing to setup a monument display area. These consignment monuments will be of the highest quality and can represent your most frequently sold items.
These eye catching displays can greatly assist you in serving your families and facilitate a better selling process. Families will appreciate the efficiency with which you can provide them with their lasting memorial.
For more information on our Monument Display Areas please click here or call us.